That Tall Girl

Is Forgetfulness a Good Enough Excuse for You?
December 8, 2008, 9:54 pm
Filed under: college, my day | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Let’s just say that I totally forgot that I had a blog to tend to last week… I don’t know what to say. It’s not like I even really did anything last week. I kinda just hung out 24/7. I probably could do about the same this week.

This week is dead week. I cannot figure out if it’s dead because it will kill you with projects OR because the campus looks dead, i.e. there’s no life: everyone just wants to be done with the semester kind of thing and there’s nothing going on. If you know, please tell me.

For myself, this week and next week are dead, as in: just plain boring.

  • Got a Chem Lab test tonight
  • Christmas party tomorrow night
  • Spanish improv drama craziness wednesday
  • thursday nothing
  • turn in my psychology research paper (easy!) on friday (or wednesday)
  • Saturday/Sunday= study for my Chem final. Yuck.
  • Monday 9pm-Thursday 7pm chillax
  • Spanish final (easy!) thursday night
  • Friday go home

So what am I going to do with my free time? That’s a good questi0n. I will probably:

  • watch a crazy amount of movies
  • spend quite a bit of time at the Rec/Nat/Erg room (I really want to improve my cardio fitness)
  • read: Cover the Butter, The Shack, New Moon, Eclipse, and P.S. I Love You
  • scour the room and bathroom like a madwoman

I think all of that will keep me busy. Espcially if I combine my reading with going to the Rec. What a good idea! I love to set the recumbent bike on the random setting and on a high level and just read. It goes by fast and you really work up a sweat. (I prefer climbs to sprints though, so it may be different for you)

Hell Month is Soon to be Over
November 10, 2008, 8:34 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , ,

After tonight the worst month of my life to date shall be over. After this chemistry test that I plan on stomping into the ground with my awesomeness I will pretty much be done with the craziness called mid-semester. Only one more paper to write, 2 more tests, and possibly only 2 finals one of which I will probably ace without even trying (did I tell you that I set the curve for my spanish midterm??)

Even though I was cooped up in my room all of yesturday- because saturday was my “fun” day (breakfast at panera and a movie night with the roomie and suite-ie and lots of naps in between- I’ve still got some studying to do. We’re covering Thermochemistry, electron orbital stuff, and periodic table prediction crap. I don’t know if you remember any of that from high school or college but it’s nasty stuff, well only the thermochemistry is.

After the test tonight I’ll be watching Sleepy Hollow. You know, with Johnny Depp. Kinda excited about that. And I get to sleep in tomorrow morning, yay! With no classes (except I sorta have one), you do the math. I also have something exciting to tell you mom. I might call you as I’m walking home from the test tonight.

Now I’m off to see the Wizard- the chemistry wizard, that is also know by “Roomie’s study guide for my chem book that she bought off of Amazon just for me her”

What a week!
November 7, 2008, 8:43 pm
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I’m certain that I don’t have good luck with computers. The one that is currently (sort of) in my care is #4 since june. Since it’s in the shop right now because the processor has broken we might as well say I’m on my 5th computer. FYI I won’ get it back into my hands for 2 more weeks. Lovely. I’m glad my term paper was eary since it was due today.

Other than computer issues my week has been fantastic. Yesturday I took a 2 hour long nap, then a 20 minute rest, then another 20 minute rest all through out the day. I also did some yoga.

Let me rant about yoga. Usually I’m not a fan of yoga. I guess I haven’t had the right instructors/mindset. Normally I can’t wait for my 60 minutes of torturous poses to be finished, but yesturday I wished it would have lasted longer. Why? Because it was almost all stretching. I can’t even begin to tell you how great I feel today. I’m limber again. I can pop my back with a simple twist. I can put on socks with out feeling like it’s some great ordeal. Yoga is amazing. I love love love it.

I love it so much that I might just have to start going to the rec a bit more. Or I might take a class, you know, so I can learn it better- like from the beginning. I think it would be fun to get to a point where I can balance like a tight rope walker and twist into crazy shapes… or just plain relieve all of the tension bound up in my hamstrings.

Speaking of classes, I have revised my class schedule for next semester:

  • Advanced Conversational Spanish
  • Spanish Composition and Grammar
  • Public Speaking
  • Human Development
  • Basic Nutrition

Needless to say, I’m super duper excited for all of these classes. My spanish classes will only get me thismuchcloser to being fluent(er). My speech class will be super fun because it will be so easy (I took speech 1 & 2 in high school). Human development- I’ve got lot’s of friends in there that talk about it. It sounds so cool, it’s like the sociology and biology of life mixed into one. And nutrition- easy peasy, interesting, and something that will definitely stay with me later in life.

Since I’ve changed topics like 56760 bajillion times I think it’s time for me to sign off, not to mention the fact that I’m in the library awaiting a call. Hasta luego amigos.

I probably owe ya’ll an explanation…
November 3, 2008, 3:54 am
Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , ,

I’m not sure if you realized or not the fact that I did not post one single… post… last week. There’s a simple explanation. I’m in college and I’m pretty much working a full time job (that tends to leave me exhausted) at the same time. Oh, and you can add into that getting over my bug and midterm stuff. Since I’ve been gone so long maybe you’d like an explanation:

  1. I went home last weekend because I was exhausted (and it ended up that I was able to do early voting- my first time ever!). I wanted to go home this weekend but chose not to, even though I could have carpooled for the 120 mi trip.
  2. I had my psych test on friday. I did fine (good enough to keep my A). But I was honestly more concerned with my…
  3. Spanish presentation. 8 minutes, all Spanish, over liberty and censorship in venezuela, argentina, and colombia. Did you know that Venezuela’s president, Hugo Chavez, compared the jews to hitler and the nazis (because the jews were just causing that many problems there??)

This week should be a bit better.

  1. For one, I’m feeling 100% now I think. (Thats what I thought on thursday when I fell down whilst squatting with only 95 lbs)
  2. Two, no tests this week. I’ve got a paper due in psych, but thats the only major happening academically up in here
  3. Three, I can probably stop counting for you since there are numbers to the left… The roomie and I are hosting an election watch party. It should be fun. So far we’ve got 11 fo’ sho’s and 5 maybes and 12 haven’t responded
  4. The roomie and I are hosting a recruit. It’s going to be fun! We’ll hang out on friday, probably go to a movie with the rest of the recruits and their hosts. On saturday we’ll go to the regatta and then out to lunch! Can I get a Woo Hoo for free lunch?!

Now we’re watching George Lopez before bed. I was hoping for Friends… because I’m pretty sure thta show is amazing. Thanks a lot mom and dad for not letting me watch that when I was younger 😉

FYI my babies will poop alllll over me when I’m a mom. The rat got both my lap and butt covered in diarreaha. I’m cursed. I’m smelly. I’m gagging. Guess I need to do my laundry tomorrow.

Here’s to vintage Halloween candy… candy sticks

Would you care to read?
November 3, 2008, 3:08 am
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Here’s my lovely 900 word essay on human rights (derechos humanos). I’m feeling quite rpoud of myself right now. Not going to lie. If you happen to be fluent in Spanish, don’t be hatin’. This is my 1st legit paper en espanol. Just like last friday was my first legit (8 minute) speech in spanish, on which I recieved a 100%. And that was the project that brings everyone’s grade down from what I’ve been told.

Como Garantiza los Derechos Humanos del Público


Derechos humanos son muy importantes en la vida día a día porque sin los el público no puede tener seguridad en su gobierno, el gobierno puede tener demasiado poder, y no habrá la paz en el mundo. Si una persona no tiene el derecho a escribir sus opiniones o da todo de la información, entonces él/ ella no puede informar el público con información necesario de cosas en el mundo. Si una persona no tiene el derecho a protestar, entones él/ella no puede expresar sus opiniones en la ley nueva. Si una persona no tiene el derecho a votar, entonces él/ ella no puede tener influencia en su gobierno. Hay muchos tipos de derechos humanos, la capacidad hacer cosas que son necesarios a una vida con paz y felicidad, como los derechos de prensa, a protestar, y a votar.

La libertad escribir qué uno piensa ser necesario para que la gente tendrá la información que necesite es muy importante en todos de los comunidades del mundo. El uso de este derecho ayudará evitar problemas en el futuro.  Millones y millones de personas leerán los periódicos cada día para reciben información de su región; lo es importante que ellos tengan la información que está correcta y la más informativa. Sin esta forma de comunicación, la gente no sabría nada sobre de las nuevas cosas en su comunidad y otras comunidades del mundo. Ellos necesitan tener el conocimiento de su comunidad y el mundo para que ellos puedan guardar sus derechos de otros, como su propio gobierno.

El gobierno tiene la responsabilidad  le informan la gente, y los periódicos puede estar un instrumento ayudar la gente recibe los anuncios. Los periodismos necesitan tener cuidado. Ellos tienen la responsabilidad de siempre escribir la verdad. Los periodismos tienen solamente una oportunidad para guardar la confianza del gobierno. Después de siempre una vez cuando el periodismo no dijo la verdad, el gobierno no confiará en la prensa tanto como es necesario. El gobierno empezará crear nuevas leyes, limitar los derechos de prensa, y le quita el derecho a saber sobre del mundo. Por eso es muy importante que el gobierno se respete la prensa y la prensa se respeta el gobierno y le diga la verdad.

            Por otro lado, porque hay crimen, nuevas políticas, y cuentos importantes en la comunidad y el mundo, la gente tiene la responsabilidad para leer los periódicos o ver la televisión. Unas personas siempre leen sus noticias, unas personas siempre escuchan a o ven sus noticias, todos de esas formas están buenos. Qué es importante es que la gente aventaja de su derecho estar informado. Ellos dice, “Qué no usa, perderá.”  Lo mismo va para los derechos también.  Cuando la gente no se preocupa sobre de sus derechos, ellos no tendrán en el futuro.

Para tener sus derechos, es necesario que el público use los y proteja los. Cuando el gobierno dice o hace algo que no le gusta, la gente necesite actuar. Protege su derecho a protestar. Ellos tiene que escribir una carta a los líderes sobre de las problemas en la comunidad, sobre de las leyes que quiere, y sobre de las leyes que no quiere.

A veces es necesario que tenga un demonstración política para expresar sus opiniones y necesidades porque el gobierno no escuchará por otros medios. A ese tiempo la gente necesita forma un grupo para proteger sus derechos. La gente necesita saber que a veces el gobierno no escuchará, especialmente cuando ellos no están pacientes y cuando ello no están tranquilos.

Para proteger su derecho a protestar, los manifestantes se deben estar tranquilos. En cada situación donde algo necesita estar hecho, la situación necesita paz. Cuando hay palabras de lucha, o luchar, no hará nada. Cosas como luchar con la policía, acusar personas de cosas falsas, y violar la ley siempre daña el proceso. Lo principal es que los manifestantes están acertados y sabios.

La misma cosa va para votar. Cuando el tiempo viene votar, la gente necesita estar exigentes. Para proteger su derecho a votar, la persona que le vota la gente se debe creer en tener derechos. Este es un oportunidad especial a decir, “quiero que esta persona esté el líder de mi pueblo/ territorio/ país etc.”

No siempre es la una cosa como no otra, la es una responsabilidad importante. La persona que le vota ahora tendrá un trabajo con mucha importancia para la región. Es un posibilidad que habrá impuestos, leyes y políticas nuevas, y él/ ella influirán la capacidad de una familia hacer cosas como comprar vegetales para sus niños y vivir en una casa grande, posiblemente la capacidad para salir el país.

Muchos países no tienen los derechos humanos. Cuando vive en un país que tiene muchos derechos y libertades lo parece menos importante les presta atención a países sin los. Porque vive en un país con derechos humanos se debe protegerlos. Para salvaguardar todos de los derechos humanos, uno necesita utilizarlos. Haga algo para hacer una diferencia; escriba a sus líderes sobre de los necesidades de su comunidad; proteste la violación de sus derechos humanos; vote para los líderes que protegerán sus derechos humanos. Si no quiere hacer algo entones está diciendo que no quiere derechos humanos y tenerlos no es importante para su. Los derechos son importantes, son necesarios.

All this has led up to
October 25, 2008, 2:26 am
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… me going home. No joke, the past 2 weeks have made me want to start drinking. Nonstop tests and projects to prepare for, getting sick, not being able to sleep. All this has led me home.

After my 2nd doctor’s visit of the week, where I recieved a Z pak and an inhaler, I promptly got on the road… after a quick stop at WalMart for some frosted circus animal cookies.

Sidenote: the WalMart at school only sells those frosted circus animal cookies in individual packets all bundled in a box. I was quite dissappointed. No lie, I wanted to down like 30 cookies on my 2 hour trip home, but no. I got stuck with little bags of cookies that made me feel guilty. (Honestly, I was ravenous today. Losing 10 lbs in 7 days will do that to you)

Back to reality. I will not be exercising this weekend. I totally want to go see my fellow water aerobics women now that I am home, but I’m pretty sure that wouldn’t be a good idea. All that is on my agenda for this weekend is to sleep, eat, watch movies, and go to nebraska furniture mart to scope out a toaster and another minifridge… And I might go get a massage. That sounds really, really, REALLY good right now.

Now I’m home and am glad to just sit down in a real chair and chill. The dog is especially glad to see me… or maybe she just wanted some soup. Either way she nearly fell a couple of times trying to bridge the gap between the ottoman and my chair.

FYI: it’s been homecoming week at my college this week. I haven’t gone to any of the activities. Zip, zilch, zero, nada. I’m even missing the game tomorrow (because I came home) for which I could have gotten in free to (just like any other game… fyi 🙂 ) And I’m missing the homecoming dance tonight. Hope the girls can have fun without me.

I take that back- I have witnessed ne out of the ordinary, possibly related to it being homecoming week, event. Today, as I was walking out of my 1:30-2:20 class, there was a group of people standing outside of their car, dancing to some retro 70’s music. All of them were wearing fake afro’s and shouting “Hey it’s funky friday! Have a good weekend!” They soon got back in their car and drove to the next crosswalk, only to begin it all again.

Peace out. Hope you had a funky friday. I’d going to bed.. a hopefully will not wake up for 15 more hours.

The “not post” post
October 16, 2008, 7:04 pm
Filed under: gym, my day, run, sports | Tags: , , , , , ,

… if that even makes sense. Have you ever had one of those weeks where it’s just nonstop chaos? I can raise 2 hands to that. I can see why adults like a glass of wine with dinner now.

I just feel like complaining about this week (it’s been one of the most stressful experiences of my life), and I cant complain to the roomie because she knows what I’ve been going through. Like those 2 nights in a row of 4 hours of sleep (with multiple hours of exercise) and no time for naps- sorry about being grouchy… even though I still feel like tackeling someone (nobody in particular, mind you)

So since today is a low key day, I decided to bring my lunch to my room and watch some ER on the laptop. I got my soup; I’m wearing a hoodie; I’m watching ER in the dark, with some desk lamps on. Bad choice. Now I want to tackel somebody AND cry (the topic just stressed me out, with some Dr. dying and all- but yes, I totally ate my lunch watching fake blood and vomit squirt all over the screen). Lovely.

It’s days like these, when I have the time, that I love to go exercise. Just be aggressive, powerful, and sweaty. Get those endorphins pumping through my veins. Forget about my stress, completely focussing on what I’m doing at the moment.

I am completely convinced that exercising is what keeps me… me. Happy and ready to go. Don’t lie, you know what I’m talking about. Runner’s high. Yeah, without that people would start calling me psychowoman instead of tg. Maybe they would start calling me Danger… I’d be fine with that, it’s already my middle name you know.

Back to the runner’s high thing. Actually, not really. I need another nap. I think I’ve got a bug, and I want it to go away.

and it was totally 33 degrees outside this morning. my gear saved me.

It’s official…
October 11, 2008, 1:41 am
Filed under: breakfast, chicken, college, dinner, food, friends, fun, gym-boy, my day | Tags: , , , , , ,

… I’m a loser. It’s Friday night and I’m blogging. Yep, you guessed it, I’m sitting in my dorm room because there’s nothing better to do. Honestly I have good reasons to want to go to bed early, like:

  • I’m exhausted
  • My roommate and suitemate are in Omaha for the weekend (for Navigators
  • I’m sore
  • I have things to do tomorrow

Now that Ya’ll know why I’m going to bed at 8:30 on a friday night in college (btw, I don’t party/drink, if that explains anything) I will continue with regularly scheduled programming

You know that you wanted to see what I eat. Well here it is. If you really want to try to figure out the calories, you just go ahead and do that, then let me know in the comments.

  • Wed. 9-24
  • breakfast:
  • 1 c. raisin bran
  • 1.5 c. lucky charms
  • 1 c. skim milk
  • 1 c. canned peaches sans syrup
  • 5 medium, fresh strawberries
  • 20 oz. gatorade
  • lunch:
  • pb&j with 70cal/slice bread (high fiber), lots of pb and low sugar jam
  • 1 really dense brownie
  • dinner:
  • 1 c. strawberry ice cream
  • 2 chicken strips
  • 3 T. BBQ sauce
  • small salad with 2T honey mustard dressing
  • 1 hard boiled egg
  • 1 c milk
  • snack:
  • 1 dense brownie


  • Thurs. 9-25
  • breakfast:
  • 1.5 c raisin bran
  • 1.5 c lucky charms
  • 1 c skim milk
  • .75 c blackberries
  • 1 c canteloupe
  • 2 eggs srambled with a bit of cheese
  • 3 fun size chocolates
  • 20 oz. gatorade
  • lunch:
  • chicken breast
  • 1 c skim milk
  • .5 c cauliflower
  • small salad with 2 T honey mustard dressing
  • 1 hard boiled egg
  • 1 brownie
  • 1 ice cream novelty (190 cal.)
  • dinner/snacks:
  • 6  fun size chocolates
  • 1 brownie
  • 5ish fakelike pork ribs, meat-y
  • 1 c milk
  • small salad with 2 T honey mustard dressing
  • .5 cup white bean and tomato salad
  • 1  c fluffy strawberry salad (cottage cheese, jello, cool whip)
  • .5 c peas

And I totally lost a couple pounds this last week just by dropping down to one bowl of cereal and cutting down on the sweets. But with the above menu I was able to maintain my weight. Aren’t you jealous??


**I saw gym boy today!!! I was walking out of my Spanish class about 20 minutes late (talking to the prof. about the outline…) and he was “parked” outside of the building I was walking out of. It was a  nice day so he had the window rolled down in what is not his car (because I totally am a creepy stalker and know what he drives) There was eye contact. Wish there was a wave… but I think he might be in a frat and was with his frat… brothers… is that what you call them??**

Interesting Morning/Weekend
October 7, 2008, 3:37 pm
Filed under: family, fun, gym, my day | Tags: , , , , , , , , ,

Nasty rain makes people do funny things, I’ve decided… like pull weeds at 7:30 in the morning, bad weather included. know, it sounds strange but I can’t really ellaborate other than saying it was fun. Yes, I just said that I had fun pulling weeds. But it is a little bit different than when your parents tell you to- so don’t expect anything fancy when I come back home, mom.

… because I went home this weekend. First trip home from college. Guess what I had for dinner my first night home: 2 lean pockets and a 2 serving blue bunny ice cream dish (which I guess was better than what I had last night when I got back: fruit/yogurt, small salad and chocolate cake). I probably shouldn’t complain about the food though since mom did my laundry, bought me clothes (holy smokes i found jeans at wal mart that were long enough and were somewhat proportionate to my huge thighs), bought me random items, cleaned my car (vacuum, rainX, windows), put new windshield wipers on my car, and filled my gas tank (gas was $2.99 !!!)

It was my first big drive by myself, and I didn’t die. The way home was easy-peasy. I hit rush hour traffic in Topeka, KS but I let people pass me and realize that there were cars going just as slow in front of me so it was all good. I payed the tolls just fine too. But the way back. Dang, son. Let’s just start off with saying one of the reasons I got new windshield wipers and rainX was because of the storm that was between me and the university. There were points at which I was going 50 in a 70 zone because visibility/ traffic was that bad. Add to that the semis that were following way too close and changing langes/making walls across the 3 lane interstate sporatically.

I should probably add that I went to my gym twice. Once on Friday, and again on Saturday morning. On friday they didn’t make me exchange my keys for a locker because they know me/ my keys were attatched to my wallet. There was a new guy there (probably to replace gym boy) and he was freaking out when Jason told me I didn’t have to turn my keys in. He was all like “who is she that she doesn’t have to turn her keys in?!” and I’m all like “I’m important around here. Didn’t you get the memo??” not really. But those thoughts were totally flying around the room. And one last thing (because this is getting long) at water aerobics I was the life of the party; ‘cuz I’m cool like that.

Now it’s time for my mid-morning nap.

Mumbo Gumbo Jumbo
September 25, 2008, 1:54 am
Filed under: my day | Tags: , , , , , , ,

Oh baby, mama’s sore. Adding different athletic adventures to your life will do that I guess. It made it real interesting standing around in Chem lab. Especially since my drawer with all my glassware and stuff is almost on the floor it’s so low. It was a kinda boring lab too.

Now I’m sitting at study table, waiting for Mr. President to talk… Ok, he’s done talking. Dang, we in trouble. $700 Billion. Someone just told all of us that if you had $1 billion on the day Jesus was born (about 2000 years ago) and if you spent $1,000 every day since then you would still have half of it left now (I thought that was a really cool analogy, so I’m sharing it with you). There’s like what… 300 million citizens in the USA, that’s a couple thousand dollars for each person. I like work, but not it all of it goes to the government.

I guess all I keep thinking about is me entering the work force soon, buying a house in 10 years, and having some moolah for those late night ice cream cravings. No, really, it all makes me a bit nervous. Like more nervous than I am about finding out how well I did on my Spanish exam today.

It was a scary test. It was almost all responses in complete sentences. I guess that I don’t know my Spanish grammar as well as I had originally thought. I guess that’s why I’ll probably be taking the Spanish Composition and Grammar class next… that’s right folks, TG is entering the big girl classes.

I have the worst headache. It’s probably because I’ve been running all day long. I was so tired this morning that I came back to the room at lunch time and took a nap. When I get back after this I want to go straight to bed. I guess I better get crack-a-lackin’ on my homework. Not that I really have any.