That Tall Girl

Sorry Mr. Chemistry
September 16, 2008, 2:19 am
Filed under: college, fun, gym, my day, sports | Tags: , , , , , , , ,

So the Chem test really wasn’t that bad. I only missed a couple questions (some because I was stupid/ should have known better and one because of phrasing) AND raised my grade in there by 30%. I think it’s a pretty good day. And my TA for lab knows my name. I don’t know how many labs he conducts but I’m sure it’s a lot. Just letting you know mom and dad, that probably the closest I will get to my professor knowing my name, except for in Spanish.

Which speaking of Spanish… I found out today that I get to give an 8 minute speech on Oct 31st. Yahoo! Now not only will I be able to say that I stumble through long speeches in my native tongue, but also in my not so 2nd language.

Actually I’m kind of excited about it; challenges can be great learning tools sometimes, ya know. I’m also excited about going to the rec tomorrow( a new challenge). Or at least that’s the plan. I haven’t been yet, although I probably should be going. My shin splints are pretty much gone now I think, and I’m dying to run (on a track mind you, not cross country!), or take a spinning class! (for $3…) Hey some girls are willing to spend that on coffee whereas I am willing to spending it on exercise. Yeah, that makes me feel like a good person inside.

Plus going to the rec gives me an opportunity to ride my bike… which I kinda haven’t done yet. My excuses: I wanted to familiarize myself with the campus first and all my classes are within 10 minutes walking distance and smack dab in the middle of campus= tons of traffic, both pedestrians and cars. The rec is kinda sorta off to the side of everything. If I time it right (as in not during passing period) I should get the road to myself. Heck yes.

128 minutes

Yeah, 2 hours and 8 minutes. What took that long, you ask. Getting my internet to work. Honestly, it would have taken MUUUUCH less time had Jefferson from Coasta Rica not been so talkative. He was very nice mind you. Even inviting me to stay at his house when i go there (?!!!!!!?!). We talked about/in Spanish (my love and his first language- apparently I have a good accent), movies( he has 110+ of them), books, religion, Costa Rica, my job, his job, my computer being wierd (me thinking: oh great). Needless to say, he was much more fun to talk to than India girl with Dell.

Well, I should probably tell you about my spinning class this afternoon. Actually it was an RPM class- but a rather mild one in my opinion. I haven’t been to this class in about 3 months and figured i should go to say goodbye/thank to the instructor L. L. has an interesting attitude. For one he likes to drink. Oh, but it’s for his heart, mind you. So since he has a bit of an attitude I tend to speak up a bit more in that class. It was fun to see everyone again though.

After my spin class I went for a little run. i wanted to run for 30min but only accomplished 5min. Why? Because the new shoes that are supposed to be good for me hurt me like none other! My achilles tendonitis from junior year has returned. So has knee pain. Oh and the shinsplints are still there. So you may be wondering how i even made it 5 minutes with such discomfort (because it was pretty bad). It was all because of the basketball game going on beneath the track (since I run above and around the track). I can’t just stop running when I have their attention lol- as well as the attention from the boys on the track who were showing off LOL. Which I think this is all really funny because 1. i was wearing no make up at all 2. i felt gross 3. i smelled gross 4. my hair was in lopsided pigtails… and the list could go on.

Wanna know why I felt gross today. that’s a good topic for tomorrow. I can say a lot about it. And since tomorrow is Tuesday- we can have a TMI Tuesday again! YAY!!!

August 11, 2008, 9:01 pm
Filed under: college, food, gym, my day, sports | Tags: , , , , , , , , , , ,

As I’m sitting here I’ve got a snack. But not just any ordinary snack: kashi crackers + peanut butter. Can you say “yummo”? I haven’t had peanut butter in quite a while (we used to have a bad relationship, me and pb) but I decided that I could splurge a bit today (and probably needed to) since I burned a record 952 calories duirng my 1.5 hours of exercise today **edited out**

Normally Ill get somewhere between 500-750 calories burned. But today I added 30minutes of moderate effort on the elliptical to my normal 40 minute monday spin class. I also left it going when I walked to the spinning room and when I went upstairs to do abs with the group, where…

Our instructor instructed us to find a partner. That’s a problem. I’ve never been good at picking a partner for athletic things. In fact I would dread having to find someone to pepper (vb warm up: pass set and eventually spike/ down ball) with me a volleyball practice.  Nobody would ever be my partner. I was always the odd one out. A lot of the time I had to work with the coach! Back to the gym… all the girls had their partners picked out already. All of them. Every last one. Taken. I had to work with one of the guys. (Everyone in the class is at least old enough to be my parent, except the instructor who is like 23ish) I had to work with one of the guys. Let me just say, he was very nice. But it was uncomfortable- especially when I was laying on the floor holding onto his ankles while bringing my legs up and him pushing my legs back down, he was standing behind me.

Andddd I don’t really know how to tie this up into once nice bow and finish the post. I lost my train of thought.  **edited out**

Diez Cosas

Since I am kindasortareallyextremely bored and tired I will give you a list of 10 things you probably don’t know about me. My mom doesn’t even know all of these (hi mom!).

  1. I really like Beatles music- although I haven’t listened to all of it and can’t distinguish it easily from other groups while on the radio…
  2. I talk to myself in Spanish when I’m tired or bored, making up pretend conversations with people i know
  3. I might want to marry gym-boy… but it would help if he talked to me more. I had a “spanish conversation” with “him” after not seeing him at the gym today
  4. **edited out**
  5. **edited out**
  6. I went to a private Christian school through 8th grade (actually two, because I moved before 2nd grade) and I’ve gone to 2 public high schools- because I moved again during the 1st semester of my freshman year.
  7. I love to sneeze- this one was inspired by a recent sneeze 🙂 . I used to make myself sneeze when I was younger.
  8. I have clothes that I wear from 5th grade. In fact, I’m wearing some shorts from that era right now haha.
  9. My parents made me start sports. And I was kicking and screaming all the way. I had to choose from volleyball (minimal running), basketball (quite a bit of running), and track (all running as far as I was concerned). I chose volleyball in 6th grade. Played for my schools until through halfway through my junior year season (yeah, remember that coach i mentioned in #5 ((she was truely out to get me))- I quit the team) and then during my freshman year i had my knee scoped so couldn’t play for most of that. Played club vb 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th. Played summer vb league a couple years. Did throwing with track in 8th and 10th grade. Now after my reading my lengthy (??) sports history…
  10. Today I went 20 mi in spinning and then ran 1 mi and I’ve never felt stronger. I’m pooped now, but hey- I really accomplished something today. In fact, I’m starting to feel happy with the way my body looks. Yeah, I’m no skinny minnie, but I’m strong and healthy and beautiful (i can tell the last one by all of the boys flocking to me lately 😉 ).