That Tall Girl

10 years from now…
October 2, 2008, 12:12 am
Filed under: family, friends, fun, my day, run | Tags: , , , , , ,

I don’t think I’ve mentioned before that I go to the Ag. school for the state. As in all the farmers come here. In fact we have a whole parking lot devoted to pick up trucks. Not really, it’s just the lot for off campus students that’s right next to the rodeo building.

Up until now I was fo’ sho’ going to live in a small town with a cute little house and have to drive 20 minutes to get anywhere interesting. I’ve changed my mind. I don’t want to have 4 children all (legally) named Bubba in 10 years while living in my farmhouse with the cows in the front yard and wearing a giant mumu (because Bubba #5 is on her way) and an apron.

So, to the farmer boy who was trying to make eyes at me (but was way to shy) in the dinner line- I’m not interested.

Anyways, back to the whole 10 years from now thing… There’s this board in our basement (I live in an all girls dorm btw) and I thought it was kinda funny how all of the Jonas Brothers are spoken for. I call dibs on the little one. just kidding.

Ok, I’ll show you what I wrote. You can stop asking now.

Rat update! They love each other. Ya gotta tilt your head 3 mm to the left and squint with one eye to see bootsie, but it’s worth the effort for these cuties:

Two Million Dollars
June 30, 2008, 3:19 am
Filed under: fun, love, society | Tags: , , , , , ,

Since I’m soon to be finished with all of my summer jobs, I think that i should reflect upon what I would do with two million dollars- since one isn’t enough. So here we go…

If I were to have one million dollars I would first of all graduate college without any student loans. I don’t know if I would stray from the path of becoming a Physician’s Assistant or not- but since I have some moolah I would like to be a personal trainer. After I graduate college I would move to Spain and work at my first job: owning a small “gym” or something similar.

I would live in a nice apartment close to a market in the southern part of Spain. It would have a color scheme of pastels on a neutral palette. My bed would have a net/canopy thing over it. Every morning I would open my window and water my vegetable garden growing from my window box. After watering my plants I would walk to the door, pick up my news paper and say hello to my dog Sheila.

In my free time I will go one day trips to the beach with my boyfriend and dog. We will eat lunch at a wonderful moroccan inspired cafe and sunbathe in the sand all afternoon. When we’re all done being lazy we’ll go off to a cool new club and dance dance dance.

But I will probably never win the lottery 😦 .



For MizFit- just in case you forget the words 😉